Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beyond the Great Crash

Today's keynote was done by Professor Stephen Heppell. There were a few website that were mentioned that I think it definitely be beneficial as resources for the classroom. One being It is a site that in many ways is similar to teachertube by putting many classroom appropriate videos available online. Another thing that was just mentioned in passing really was 3D printers. I have heard a few things about them but have never looked at that too much. They really can be quite amazing. Here is a video demonstrating one. Some other unique and interesting ideas that were presented were:

The use of Nintendo DS's and Brain Age in class
Closing staff rooms in favor of a cafe type room for both students and faculty
Going shoeless in class, "You take your shoe's off at home why not in school"
Having students plan professional developments

Over at you will find a archived copy of the twitter conversations that were going on during both Stephen and and Benjamin's keynotes.

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